It is very important to make sure your hands, tools, and work areas are properly sanitized and disinfected. Please refer to your state and country’s laws to ensure you are sanitizing in accordance with their requirements.

The human eye is an extremely sensitive area requiring absolutely sterile conditions before you begin working.


After properly sanitizing and disinfecting your lash tools. Store them in a clean tub with a lid or in a sanitary dental pouch to keep them ready for use.


Between clients, always clean your workstation with disinfectant wipes and spray the entire station with rubbing alcohol.


Hands need to be washed with every service and hand sanitizer should be used before every application.

Sanitary Tools

Let’s start with the instruments. You are going to be using both disposable instruments and re-usable instruments. This is very important, as you would never want a client to leave your studio with an eye infection. It can be tempting to reuse disposable items to save money but it is really important that you do not. If this is a concern, raise your price a few dollars to cover the disposable items.

Disposable instruments (never reuse tools to save money):

  • Microfiber brushes (buy on Amazon here)
  • Disposable gel under eye pads (buy on Amazon here)
  • Disposable mascara brushes (buy on Amazon here)
  • Non-latex gloves (buy on Amazon here)
  • Cotton swabs
  • Individually cut lash strips (you will learn how to cut the lash strips in the next section)
  • Glue ring (Buy on Amazon here)


Non-disposable instruments:

  • Tweezers (buy on Amazon here)
  • Exacto knife (buy on Amazon here)


How to sanitize non-disposable items:

  • Wash tools with antibacterial soap and water to remove all debris by hand or with an ultrasonic cleaner (buy on Amazon here)
  • Soak in barbicide and water mixture for 10 minutes (buy on Amazon here)
  • Rinse with water
  • Let air dry on a clean towel or dry with a clean paper towel
  • Store in clean tupperware or sanitary dental pouch (buy on Amazon here)
  • Alternatively, you can invest in an autoclave and/or UV sterilizer. (buy on Amazon here)

Sanitary Workstation

We have now dealt with instruments and know just how important it is to maintain hygiene when handling them. But your client also needs to lie down somewhere for the eyelash lift application procedure. A flat massage bed or esthetician bed works just great for this. This naturally needs optimal positioning in terms of visibility and strict hygiene to be maintained. To keep the bed protected from contaminating effects (e.g. dirty shoes) it is advised to keep some shoe covers handy or ask the client to remove their shoes.

Since eyelash extension application takes up to 3 hours, roll a towel or buy a lash pillow and place it under the client’s nape for her comfort in the lying down position. This, in fact, makes your work a little easier, since it makes the head tilt down a little and provides you with better access to the eyelashes, thereby aiding you at work.

Between clients, wipe down the entire station with an antibacterial wipe, lint roll the bed, spray the entire bed, and anything that was touched with rubbing alcohol. Once sterilized, place a clean towel over the head region of the bed and/or a disposable sheet over the entire bed.

A clean bed and fresh towels are indispensable!
Remove all stray hairs from the bed with a lint roller.

Sanitary Lash Stylist

Clients trust well-groomed and clean lash stylists. Your clothes need to be spotlessly clean, neat, and tidy. If you have long hair then you should tie it up so it doesn’t fall in the client’s face.

Be very conscious of your hands. Your nails should always be short as long nails both carry bacteria, could poke the client, and make it harder to work quickly with the tweezers. Your nails should also look groomed; manicured and be disinfected. After all, your hands touch your client’s face. Even if you use disposable gloves (which you discard after use) they need to be disinfected before application. The same rules apply as with the instruments. Your hands are work instruments and carry bacteria and diseases.

And while on the topic of hands, safe and proper application requires absolutely steady hands.

What can cause shaky hands? Caffeine!

If you have downed two cups of coffee before application it is really hard to have the kind of steady hands required to deliver safe precise work. While performing a lash extension service, you are working with products around the client’s eyes. Unsteady hands are very unsafe during the application process.

Fresh breath is an absolute must! Eating pork and onions or smoking before a service might not be a great idea. You don’t want to blow those smells in your client’s face. This is a sure way to send them looking for a new lash artist!

Grooming, clean, disinfected hands and fresh breath are a must for stylists. Stay away from coffee, alcohol, and cigarettes before an application session and always wear a mask!

Quiz Yourself

Answer the questions below and then check your answers by clicking the down arrow next to it. Just a reminder…there is a final exam at the end of this course and in order to receive your certificate, you will need to pass it. Re-read the information above if you didn’t pass the quiz below.

No! This is something that could cause you to lose your license in most states. You must manually clean (scrubbing with soap and water or putting in an ultrasonic cleaner machine) and then, sanitize with barbicide or a UV sterilizer.
No way! Eww… give the client their mascara wand at the end of the appointment or throw it away.
No way! Pre-cut your lash strips and throw away anything remaining.
No way. Instead just raise the price a dollar or two instead. Clients will know if you are not performing a sanitary service.
Reflection Questions:

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572 Valley Road #593
Montclair, NJ 07043

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